I remember

I remember the irst day I saw him. It was a sunny Sunday morning, although the sky was slightly cloudy. I was walking past an old cafe, when I spotted him sitting alone at a corner table. He had a cup of coffee in front of him, and a look of deep contemplation on his face. It was one of those moments where time seemed to stand still, and I felt a strange connection with this stranger. Since then, I’ve kept seeing him around the neighbourhood. Our conversations have gradually become deeper and more meaningful. We talk about our hopes and dreams, the ways we feel and our thoughts on life. We’ve laughed together and we’ve shared our tears. He’s become a confidant, a friend and 드라마 a source of solace in times of need. We still have a lot of things to learn about each other, and I’m sure our story will keep unfolding. But I feel confident that no matter what happens in our future, our bond will remain strong, a testament to the life-changing power of true connection. After all, life is about the drama of connection and understanding.